Written by Emma Freeman We had an incredible time at the CDFB* workshop with Marie Bensley! As always, we try to hear whats on the Father's heart for the day. We felt the day was about being free of all fear and to know our identity in Him so we can go forward in the victory He has already won! We opened with the scripture Acts 1:8 because we need to walk in the authority He has given us without interference from anywhere else! We warmed up with some Israeli dances and then taught our new dance 'We shall behold Him' to the powerful song by David Phelps. The beginning of the dance starts with time to be still and just behold Him, which positioned us to go deeper into worship through the dance. Ginnie prepared our hearts to connect with Yeshua's by reminding us that the scriptures say the bride makes herself ready (Rev 19:7). One way we make ourselves ready is by beholding Him. We learned and danced 'Beautiful Bride'. The beginning of the dance has a solo part, which Ginnie invited those who felt led, to join in with. The end of the dance flows into a time where we dance under a prophetic bridal veil (white fabric) as we allow Him to reveal to us what it really means to be His beloved bride. This then evolved into worshiping through spontaneous dance and lots of of flags. Then our amazing sound lady allowed the next track to come on (Glory come down) and we went into a time of freestyle dancing. As we were worshiping, Rosie felt prompted to bring out the secret place - a large prophetic canopy she has made. People worshiped in the secret place and Holy Spirit ministered to us. In between these deep worshipful dances, we learned various Israeli dances including a couples dance which always goes a bit wrong, but that's what makes it so fun! We felt to bring Glory Battle (a victory dance that doesn't deny the cost of following Yeshua, see YouTube page) because we felt the Lord wanted to call people into the battle with the knowledge that He has won the victory! We felt He also wanted to encourage and bring healing to His warriors who were growing weary, or wounded. A lady came to tell us that the dance really spoke to her as she realised the reality of the attack (2 Corinthians 2:11). One battle we face is where we stand with God's plan for Israel and the Jewish people. With all the negative media and lies going round, we have a voice to bring the truth in love and spread the good reports. We all danced Highways to Zion by Paul Wilbur and those of us who had the energy danced Na'ale L'irushalayim while others surrounded us with flags. The last dance we did was Heaven on Earth (see our YouTube page), which we changed as we felt led to invite people into the centre as a prophetic act of entering into Heaven as we establish it's fullness on Earth. Throughout the day our Lord healed, freed and changed us. One lady reported her back being healed and another came to let us know that the pain in her leg had significantly improved and had almost gone. Thank You God! It was a beautifully rich time of worship and an unholy mess as Holy Spirit took over and we did our best to follow! Thank You Father! *Christian Dance Fellowship, Bristol
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June 2024